星期四, 28. March 2013

Femininity in Silent Film

Filmpodium, Zurich


Simon Berz, Nicole Johänntgen (萨克斯风, 中音萨克斯风), Michael Flury (长号), Christian Müller (低音单簧管, 现场电子音乐), Filomena Felley (中提琴), Claudia Kühne (大提琴), Andrea Martina Brunner (竖琴, 现场电子音乐), Andreas Glauser (现场电子音乐), Flo Stoffner (吉他), Flo Götte (低音吉他, 吉他), Peter Conradin Zumthor (鼓, 敲击乐)

Collective Improvisation on the Queen of Atlantis

Collective improvisation lead by Simon Berz

In the year 1911, two French officers adrift in the Sahara desert, discover the mythical realm of Atlantis which is ruled by the ageless and moody queen Antinéa. The queen has taken up the habit of using her prisoners as lovers until she’s had her fill of them. Those fallen out of grace she orders to be killed and embalmed in gold.

Jacques Feyder’s epic story, set during French colonialism and featuring the dancer Stacia Napierkowska in the role of the Saharan Loreley, initiated an entire tradition of exotic-romanticising portrayals of the colonial experience.  

To accompany the film, Simon Berz has elaborated an improvisation template, which ten talented instrumentalists with varied backgrounds in jazz, classical and rock music will realise under his lead.

A co-production of Filmpodium, BADABUM and the Institute of Incoherent Cinematography (IOIC).