星期六, 20. July 2013

IOIC @ Lago Film Fest 2013

Lago Film Fest, Revine Lago

Maya Deren: Beyond Instruction or Entertainment

By its very nature, experimental film strives to depart from the conventions of its medium. It wants to break with the visual habits of the audience. In this way, Maya Deren wants to create films beyond instruction or entertainment; films that are poetic and which pull the medium itself out of its usual context. Beyond the dominance and productivity of the dream factories and opposing the general drive towards consumable and coherent film, she tries to capture in pictures a reality that is perceived as fragmented and incoherent.

IOKOI is at home somewhere and nowhere between Switzerland and Italy. With her sensears wide open, to capture the essence of each impulse and weave the thoughts that arise into soundscapes. Sometimes alone, sometimes accompanied. Always at play between the wide open and the intimate, the organic and the electronic, between pulse and breath, image and sound.