星期四, 23. May 2013

Femininity in Silent Film

Villa Sträuli, Winterthur


Los Dos (声音, 吉他, 鼓)

Tod Browning's Dark Carnival of Desires

Before turning to the young medium of cinema, Tod Browning had been at home in the world of vaudeville, circus and Luna parks as an actor, magician and dancer. This is the world of ‘The Unknown’, which tells the story of the unhappy hope love between the armless knife thrower Alonzo and the mortally timid Estrellita. Unlike his rival, the strongman of the circus, Alonzo manages to get closer to his beloved and build up a certain trust. But their familiarity bears the risk of Estrellita noticing that Alonzo’s armlessness is only pretended and that he is by no means as harmless as he seems.

Los Dos Monos consist of Limmat-Trash-Delta-Blues-guitarist and singer Han Sue Lee Tischhauser and drummer Andreas Wettstein. Their live accompaniment of this tragic love story mesmerised the audience already at the ‘Marathon of Femininity’ in November 2012. The opening programme features a performance of Los Dos Monos to a short, early comedy Tod Browning wrote jointly with D.W. Griffith and Anita Loos: ‘The Mystery of the Leaping Fish’ (1916).