星期天, 2. June 2013

Videoex Festival 2013

Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zurich


MÖRDER (低音单簧管, 倍低音單簧管, 现场电子音乐), Frachter (低音吉他, 低音大提琴, Bass pedal)

Mário Peixoto: Programmatic Limit

For its second guest performance at Videoex, the Institute of Incoherent Cinematography (IOIC) will be showing a masterpiece that has unjustly remained almost unknown: the legendary Brazilian silent film “Limite” by Mário Peixoto. At the tender age of 22, this cineaste and poet decided to make a film that was to be entirely poetic. It resulted in a film, which, while not completely doing without narration, continuously dissolves it.  The name ‘Limite’, in the sense of boundary, is programmatic.  What holds the film together at its core is the continuous reference to a temporal and spatial ‘other’ taking place beyond the linearity the medium requires and beyond the given frame of the camera. Peixoto himself called his film a desperate cry for resonance, rather than understanding.

The live music to the film is an encounter of Marc Lardon aka MÖRDER and Flo Götte aka FRACHTER. Marc Lardon is a bass and contrabass clarinettist who expands his instruments with all kinds of analogue-electronic paraphernalia. FRACHTER with his electric double bass, electric bass and bass pedals, on the other hand, produces drones in the lowest frequencies, thereby creating a gut-trembling, body-stirring elemental force of hypnotic sound. Not unfittingly, FRACHTER’s sound has also been described as the ‘monotonous drone of a house-sized diesel engine’ or the ‘stoic, slow motion roll of several thousand tons of steel in heavy seas’.