Friday, 16. August 2013 – Saturday, 17. August 2013

Lupe Vélez: The Hot Pepper

Die Weinhalde, Küsnacht

Lupe Vélez: The Hot Pepper

What do John Gilbert, Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin, Clark Gable and Errol Flynn have in common? They all were at one point smitten by the lively and passionate Mexican Lupe Vélez. The exotic beauty stepped into the limelight with the success of her film debut opposite Douglas Fairbanks in 'The Gaucho'. The following year she became one of the WAMPAS Baby Stars – a young artist with star potential. She subsequently made films with D.W. Griffith, Victor Fleming and Tod Browning. At the Weinhalde Openair, the IOIC will be showing her in her first and last silent film role, both with new live music.  

Friday, 16. August 2013


Karin Meier (Voice, Piano), Gabriel Stampfli (Guitar, Trumpet, Effects), Stefanie Kunckler (Double Bass)

A young girl falls off a cliff in the mountains of South America and is miraculously saved from certain death by the Virgin Mary. A shrine is erected at the site and the city of wonders grows up around it – a prospering city attracting believers from all around.  But its wealth also attracts a number of dubious characters, such as The Gaucho – feared by men and desired by women…

Guitarist Gabriel Stampfli and double bassist Stefanie Kunckler found each other at the Marathon of Femininity in November 2012. After spontaneously accompanying a veiled dance together, they are now doing their first live silent film set together. Third in league will be the singer Karin Meier.

Saturday, 17. August 2013


Dadaglobal (Electronics, Piano)

Apart from trading wild animals, Tyger Haynes only cares for the wellbeing of his beloved daughter Toyo.  He notices with unease that she has fallen in love with bobby, his best client’s son. It is only when Bobby rescues her from a belligerent tiger that the father consents in her relationship. But none of them foresees the appearance of the seductive and mysterious Madame de Sylva.

Zurich musician David Daniel aka Dada is an indispensible fixture in Zurich’s live electronic scene. With his passionate yet humorous live performances he never stops exciting his audiences.